Friday, October 12, 2012

DOWNLOAD: 10.12.2012


One Step Up by Eddie Vedder Did Pearl Jam's leading man seriously cover the Boss? YES.


Ellen Gronemeyer These gestural portraits suggest a more colorful take on Edvard Munch. 

Eric Carle Carle's animal paintings hold a special place in my heart--his children's books make up some of my fondest childhood memories. Hermit crab for lyfe!

Phoebe Rudomino Rudomino specializes in underwater photography, and the results are captivating. Especially loving her aquatic portraits and smoke-like inks and dyes. 


I'm really looking forward to some new movies coming out soon. The trailers for ArgoThe Great Gatsby, and Cloud Atlas all have me hooked.


1 comment:

  1. I like how you actually take the time to do your blog. Thanks for that. :)
    Anyway, I like your links and art. The art is something unique that I don't see on anyone else's blog.
