Wednesday, October 31, 2012

On the Shelf 10.31.2012

My reading life has been woefully inadequate this week, mainly because the books I've wanted to read have remained, well, on the shelf.

Required reading such as Profiles in Courage, East of Eden, and Foundations of Economics: AP, Third Edition has commandeered most of my time; however, I've still managed to leaf through some interesting writing.

I made some major headway on Pigeon English this week, and hope to finish tomorrow. I'm still not quite sure what I think of this book...I'm normally a fan of coming-of-age genre fiction, but this novel doesn't quite fit the mold. I liked it? I think?

I guess I really would have liked to have seen more of the pigeon, an arcane, omniscient presence in Harri's narrative. All the substance comes with the bird.

Also, by way of dare from Jay Parekh, I will now be reading The Children's Blizzard. Oh boy. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

DOWNLOAD: 10.26.2012


Laurent Chéhère

I am so captivated by Chéhère's series of floating houses. It's like UP...but so much cooler...

Drew Young 

I am absolutely in love with Young's method of painting. His multi-layered surfaces and dimensional viewpoints make for some truly great images. 

Brandon Boyd 

Boyd's drawings and other illustrations are okay, but I'm really digging his series of drippy, symmetrical paintings. Rorschach done right. 


It's official: My family is definitely going to New York City during Christmas break! I can't wait to see the lights, feel the chill, and hear saxophones in the streets. 


Angel Hair Pasta with Lemon and Garlic Such a great recipe. And Oprah likes it. Seriously. 

Launching the Ambivalent Nemesis

I really think content from So Deep It's ShallowThese Islands Condescend, and Hysteria's Lament would make for great Ambivalent Nemesis material.

Especially loving the 80's retrospect on Hysteria's Lament. Publish this!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

DOWNLOAD: 10.19.2012


Tim Noble and Sue Webster I just can't get over how cool this shadow art is. 

Catrin Welz-Stein This Malaysian artist has the most captivating collages. Especially loving the series entitled "The Storyteller."

Seonna Hong These paintings are so great. I especially love the series rendered on paint swatches. 


The second installment of the Atlas Shrugged Movie was released on October 12th. I can't wait to see it--the first part was extremely well-made and astonishingly true to the book. 


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cerebral Fissures

I was reading Franny and Zooey the other day when I came across a passage that really struck me:

Phooey, I say, on all white-shoe college boys who edit their campus literary magazines. Give me an honest con man any day.

J.D. Salinger was no great shakes in the realm of academia, and was quick to call pretty much anyone a phony. (Poor Holden. So misunderstood.)

But he did attend NYU and Columbia. Salinger's novels have gone down in the cannon as "American classics." So what gives?

Salinger isn't the only critically-acclaimed author to voice his disdain for institutionalized education. In a letter to Conrad Aiken in 1914, T.S. Eliot himself wrote:

"I hate university towns and university people, who are the same everywhere, with pregnant wives, sprawling children, many books, and hideous pictures on the walls...Oxford is very pretty, but I don't like to be dead."

It's not like Eliot was exactly new to the "university" scene either. The guy studied at Harvard, Oxford, AND the Sorbonne. Not to mention his grandfather was one of the founders of Washington University in St. Louis.

What is it that makes these authors scorn college? Is it insulting to imply their talents weren't the product of solely their own cultivation? Or is it just a tried-and-true brushoff of "the establishment?"

Interesting questions to ponder. Maybe it's the trademark author-viewpoint: the road to artistic success is the road less-traveled by.

Friday, October 12, 2012

What We're Loving: 10/12/2012

I'm a huge fan of David Sedaris. Ever since Laura Zweig gave me a copy of Me Talk Pretty One Day, I knew I'd entered a serious love affair with the dry wit and zany imagination of this cynical, saucy guy. 

I checked out some of his other work, and burrowed through  When You Are Engulfed in Flames and Holidays on Ice in carefree contentment. Oh, how blind I was.

Listening to Sedaris read one of his stories on This American Life  was like seeing your favorite band live. Then...begrudgingly much your CD sucks.

Sedaris's account of the homely couple he encounters at a coffee stand is one that's familiar--the busybody wife and abrasive old man treating any bright-eyed barista like their good-ol' chum. While you stand, waiting.

This story is one I actually may have read before; but the fluctuations of his voice make all the difference. Taking in Sedaris's nasally, albeit shrill, interpretation of this meat-and-potatoes couple made the once-lively voice in my head, well, pretty much seem like Ben Stein. All this, coupled with Sedaris's signature sardonic ending twist.

"Turn Around Bright Eyes" is definitely a radio segment you should check out. Sedaris really has a talent for finding absurd in the mundane, and hearing him perform adds a whole new level of nuance and meaning.

Oh, and during the reading he was apparently in full clown makeup. Just keep that in mind.